Anomaly Scan

Anomaly Scan


The Anomaly Scan, also known as the mid-pregnancy scan or the 20-week scan, is an important ultrasound examination that is usually performed between the 18th and 22nd weeks of pregnancy. This scan is a key part of prenatal care and helps in checking the development of your baby.

Purpose of the Anomaly Scan:

  • Baby’s Development: The scan is primarily conducted to check the physical development of your baby. It examines the baby’s organs, limbs, and overall growth.
  • Detection of Abnormalities: The scan can identify any structural abnormalities in the baby. It allows doctors to detect conditions such as spina bifida, heart defects, or cleft lip early on.
  • Placenta Position: The scan also checks the position of the placenta. It is important to ensure that the placenta is not blocking the cervix, a condition known as placenta previa.
  • Amniotic Fluid Levels: The scan measures the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby, ensuring that it’s within a healthy range.
  • Baby’s Growth: The scan helps in monitoring the growth of the baby, ensuring that it matches the expected progress for the given stage of pregnancy.
  • Gender Determination: While the primary focus is on health and development, the scan may also reveal the gender of the baby if parents wish to know.
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